
Test Certificate CARB II for gluing class 1

CARB II is a part of the "California Composite Wood Product Regulations" and has been in force since 2010. The standard deals with reducing the release of formaldehyde from wood composite materials. The precursor of CARB II was CARB I, which set the maximum amount of formaldehyde to 0.08 ppm, while the newer CARB II has already set the value to 0.05 ppm. This value is currently the strictest on the market. The attached certificate confirms that our material met the CARB II requirements.


Certificate to download:

Certificate ISO9001

The ISO 9001 standard has its origins in Great Britain in the eighties, when it spread across the Europe and created a tradition of verification of its compliance with the independent certification companies.

The standard determines a simple principle when management sets its goals and objectives in the quality of its production, and these are gradually being implemented using a set of processes, the effectiveness of these processes is measured and monitored so the society could take effective measures. The standard covers the principles of documentation management, human resources, infrastructure, establishes communication processes with customers, supplier evaluation, performance measurement processes, and internal audits in order to obtain feedback.

Certificate to download:


Certificate C-o-C

On 13th March 2008, our company gained Chain of Custody certificate of forest products with the requirements of the regulation CFCS 2002 (also known C-o-C).

Our goal is to promote sustainable forest management and the consumption of wood as an environmentally sustainable resources and wood products, conservation of nature and constant development of company through the implementation of the Czech forest certification system.


Management of DYAS.EU, a.s. committed to implementing, applying and maintaining the requirements of the chain of custody of forest products in accordance with the current version of the technical documetns PEFC ST 2002.

The organizastion only issues such PEFC statements and PEFC-related statements that are, to the best of the organization's knowledge, correct and coered by the PEFC chain of custody organization. The organization undertakes to implement procedures that prveent placing on the market of forest raw materials/products if it is known or there are reasonable concerns that they come from illegal sources (controversial sources), including forest raw materials/products that are not covered by the PEFC consumer chain. It will only be placed on the market after the supply has been assessed as "low risk" based on a control programme. The organzation undertakes to meet all social, health and safety requirements set out in PEFC ST 2002.

In the Czech Republic is certification carried out by the Czech forest certification scheme (CFCS) which is a national independent system effective in the Czech Republic. CFCS meets all international requirements for certification systems. In June 2001, the system was accepted by the PEFC Council (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes).

Certificate to download:

Membership FEIC - EPF

Company DYAS.EU, a.s. became the member of European Federation of Plywood Industry (FEIC) with the seat in Brusel on 1.4.2007.

European Federation of the Plywood Industry
Alléé Hof-ter-Vleest 5, box
B-1070 Brussels

This federation associate producers of plywood and blockboard from more than 15 states of the European Union. The main aim is the protection of member companies in proceedings of EU, antidumping procedures, cooperation in development of expert specifications etc.

More information about federation FEIC and the list of members is available on: http://www.europanels.org

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